Mieke CV


1993-1994: BA Diploma Business Administration, Open University, Netherlands.
1979-1982: Arts Academy,Handicrafts Teacher Training, Arnhem , the Netherlands.
1975-1978: Pedagogic Academy, Teacher Primary School, Nijmegen , the Netherlands.
1973-1975: HAVO (Higher General Education)Oirschot , the Netherlands.
1969-1973: MAVO (Middle General Education), Uden, the Netherlands.



2009: Sculpting in Pietrasanta Italy in Anat Golandski studio
2004: Tengenenge Zimbabwe, stone sculpting work
2003: Eerbeek the Netherlands stone sculpting workshop
1987-1987: Management for non-profit


Professional experiences

2011 till to date: Managing Director, Stone sculptor, teacher stone sculpting
2005 till to date: Managing Director, Stone sculptor
1995-2005: Managing Director, Asilia Ltd. Natural Leathercraft, Arusha Tanzania
1987-1992: District Manager, Muzama Crafts Ltd.Zambezi, Zambia. Contract with SNV Netherlands Development Organisation. Muzama is a training and rural marketing business in timber, natural leather and leather products
1986-1987: Busdriver City of Arnhem, the Netherlands
1985-1986: Teamleader for 3 months in a marketing programme for baby food in Quanod Benin at the Centre Horticole et Nutritionelle for the Dutch Royal Tropical Institute